You place your trust in us by giving us your information therefore your personal information is very important to our company, and we are committed to protecting your privacy. Please take a moment to familiarize yourself with our privacy practices and let us know if you have any questions.


  This Privacy Policy is meant to help you understand what information we collect, why we collect it, and how you can update and manage your information.



  Personal information is data that can be used to uniquely identify or contact a single person. We do not collect, store, or use any personal information while you visit, download, or upgrade our products, except the personal information that you submit to us when you create a user account, send an error report, and do other activities.   When you create an account, we collect the personal information you provide to us including: Name and password. In addition, you can also provide additional information about email address, phone number, address,...or contact channels to contact us or receive information about upgrading and updating our services.


- Information about users

We collect personal information provided by you. This enables us to accurately identify the services you use, your permissions and ensure your data is in sole control. In addition, this data is also used to improve display when you use the service.

  • Information related to your account identification data
  • Information to be able to contact you in some necessary cases
  • Information related to the process of using the service

- Information about the device

We collect information about your device when you use it. This helps our service deliver the best possible service when used on your device. What's more, it can display and improve your device's exact performance when using our service.

  • Information about devices using the service to support the provision of information.
  • Information about network status to resolve product and service problems

- Location information

We collect information about your location when you use our services, which helps us offer features like address information and device location based on your general location. The types of location data we collect and how long we store it depend in part on the device and settings when using the service

  • GPS from your device and other sensor data from your IoT device
  • Relative location of IP network address when using the service
  • Addresses when provided to use the service


We use the information we collect from all our services for the following purposes

  • Provide our services
  • Maintain & improve our services
  • Develop new services
  • Provide personalized services
  • Measure performance
  • Communicate with you
  • Protect common interests


  When you're signed in, you can always review and update information by visiting the services you use


- We do not collect, store, or use any personal information while you access, download, or upgrade our products, except for personal information you submit to us when you create an account. user accounts, submit error reports, and do other activities
- In the following circumstances, we may disclose your personal information according to your wish or regulations by law:

  • Your prior permission
  • By the applicable law within or outside your country of residence
  • By legal process, litigation requests
  • By requests from public and governmental authorities
  • To protect our legal rights and interests
If we are involved in a merger, acquisition or, asset sale, we will continue to ensure the confidentiality of your personal information and give affected users notice before personal information is transferred or becomes subject to a different privacy policy.


- Personal information when collected is committed to absolute confidentiality according to the personal information protection policy on the system. The collection and use of each user's information is only carried on the customer's consent, unless required otherwise by law.
- Do not use, transfer, provide, or disclose to any third party about members' personal information without consent.
- In the event of a hacker attack, resulting in personal data loss, we will be responsible for reporting the incident to the investigating authorities for timely processing and notification. Members are known.
- The system management and operation board uses various information security technologies to protect personal information from being retrieved, used, or disclosed unintentionally. However, no data can be absolutely secure. Therefore, we cannot guarantee the absolute security of that information and we cannot be responsible in case of unauthorized access to customers' personal information such as in cases where customers voluntarily intend to share information with others.
- The management board recommends that customers keep information related to their access password confidential and should not share it with anyone else. If using a shared computer with many people, customers should log out, or Exit all open applications.


  - Customers can also access and edit their personal information according to the appropriate links that we provide according to the service.


Personal data will be stored until cancellation is requested or the user logs in and makes the cancellation. In all other cases, members' personal information will be kept confidential on the system's server.
We retain the data we collect for different periods of time depending on the nature of the service as follows:

  • Some data you can delete whenever you like, such as the content you create or upload. You can also delete activity information saved in your account, or choose to have it deleted automatically after a set period of time.
  • We may retain some data until you decide to delete your account as a basis for both you and us, this data is stored anonymously.
  • We may retain some data for longer periods of time when necessary for for legitimate business or legal purposes, this data is stored in an anonymized form.
  • When you delete data, we follow a deletion process to make sure that your data is safely and completely removed from our servers or retained only in anonymized form. We try to ensure that our services protect information from accidental or malicious deletion. Because of this, there may be delays between when you delete something and when copies are deleted from our active and backup systems.


  We regularly review this privacy policy and ensure that we process your information in ways that comply with the laws of your place of residence.


This is a system for receiving early fire alerting signals and managing IoT devices with the function of sending fire warning signals to serve personal fire protection at your place of residence. Our services are provided solely with your consent.
When this policy applies: This privacy policy applies to all the services we provide, this privacy policy does not apply to services that have separate privacy policies that do not incorporate this Privacy Policy.
Changes to this policy if any:

  • Depending on service development plans, we change this Privacy Policy. We will not reduce your rights under this Privacy Policy without your explicit consent. We always indicate the date the last changes were published and we offer access to archived versions for your review.
  • If the changes are significant, we will provide them through certain services, including email notifications.